Key environmental elements of the plan are:
Continue to review and improve work systems and processes in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 Standards and reduce, re-use and recycle principles.
Set objectives based upon monitoring and reducing both energy usage and waste generation.
Recognise its responsibility to protect the environment and minimise, as far as is safe, practicable and economically sound, any adverse environmental impact of its activities.
Increasing employee awareness through the induction and training process;
Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and promotion of the commitment and skills of its personnel to ensure effective environmental management at all its operations and sites.
Report and investigate fully any environmental mishaps or incidents.
Clearly define responsibilities and accountabilities within the organisation;
Effective operating procedures and work standards;
Independent monitoring and audit process of all operations.
It is every employee’s responsibility to minimise their impact on the environment and to ensure that they are aware of the environmental requirements and raise any issues or concerns regarding them.
Policy Statement
Enduraclad International Pty Ltd is committed to minimising the impact of all aspects of its operations on the environment to a statutory and socially acceptable level through the pro-active implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement ofour Environmental Health and Safety Management Plan.
Minimising our impact
ENDURACLAD & the Environment
Pro-active implementation, maintenance & continuous improvement

Safety & Environment at ENDURACLAD International
We are committed to provide quick, reliable, innovative and cost-effective products while minimising the impact of all aspects of operations on the environment.
Read more about our commitment to both Safety and Environment below.
Always moving forward
The objectives of the policy are to:
Prevent workplace accidents and illness;
Protect employees and subcontract personnel from safety and health hazards which may arise out of their work by providing a safe place of work, plant and safe systems of work:
Establish and maintain best practice programs to meet the policy.
Set objectives based upon monitoring and reducing near miss and injury records along with the use of workplace area audits.
Ensure continual improvement through an active OSH committee, constant two way communication within the workplace and regular review of the risk register priorities and actions contained in the risk management plan.
Management at all levels is responsible for developing and maintaining the occupational health and safety system to eliminate hazards and control the risks within the work environment.
Employees have a responsibility to ensure their own health and safety and the health and safety of others, and to comply with instructions given.
Co-operation and consultation with employees is a key factor to achieving the objectives of this policy.
The objectives of the occupational health and safety system are to;
Establish and maintain a safe working environment and prevent injury or illness in the workplace;
Provide training, information, instruction and supervision for all employees to enable them to perform their duties safely;
Identify hazards, assess the risks and implement measures to control the risks
Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of Enduraclad International’s philosophy and management systems.
Enduraclad International promotes and maintains a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and contract personnel through the implementation of its occupational health and safety management system.
Enduraclad International aims to continually review and improve the occupational health and safety management system to ensure it is compliant with ISO 45001:2018 Standard (Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems).
Enduraclad International will ensure that adequate resources are available to implement the policy.
Safety in the workplace
EnduraSafe is an internal program dedicated to ensuring the safety of our staff and our visitors.
©Copyright Enduraclad International Pty Ltd | 2011 | last Update April 2024
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